
Ajai Chowdhry

Voice&Data Bureau
New Update

Way back in 1976, when he founded HCL, there were only 15

computers in India. Ajai Chowdhry decided to bring computers at an affordable

price and championed the cause of improving PC penetration in the country.


It is a recognition of his visionary status that Chowdhry was

part of the IT Hardware Task Force, set up by the Prime Minister of India to

give shape to the country's IT strategy. He has worked closely with many

Government bodies to take 'IT for masses' agenda forward. Presently, he is

part of several government committees to take forward the course of IT and

Hardware in India.

He was awarded the 'Best IT Man of the Year' by The Foundation of Indian

Industry and Economists. Chowdhry has a bachelor's degree in electronics and

communication engineering, and attended the Executive Program at the School of

Business Administration at the University of Michigan, US.
