
Bharat T Doshi

Voice&Data Bureau
New Update

Dr Bharat T Doshi is internationally recognized for his
creativity in the areas of teletraffic science, performance analysis, congestion
management, queuing theory and algorithmic techniques. At John Hopkins
University Dr Doshi leads innovative, advanced research with broad applications
across all APL programs, and develops technologies of interest to the Lab's
current and potential sponsors in the Department of Defense, NASA and other
government agencies.


Dr Doshi's credits include innovations at Bell Labs and
Lucent in systems architecture, communication protocols, traffic management,
etc. His substantial contributions are evident in Lucent's frame relay, ATM,
wireless and SONET/SDH product lines. Dr Doshi was also involved in designing a
telecom network that could continue to operate during national emergencies, such
as floods and hurricanes. To his credit, he has 15 patents and more than 20
applied for in the areas of broadband networking, wireless networking and
communication protocols. He has published over 110 papers in professional
