
The Power of Converging Technologies: AI, IoT, and 5G

The launch of 5G has enabled new technologies such as IoT, AI, Blockchain, Cloud Computing and the convergence of these technologies is creating a dynamic ecosystem that promises to transform our society.

Ayushi Singh
New Update
Panel Discussion 2

The launch of 5G has enabled new technologies such as IoT, AI, Blockchain, Cloud Computing and the convergence of these technologies is creating a dynamic ecosystem that promises to transform our society. It’s not only transforming the way people live but is also  reshaping industries, driving economic growth, and creating new opportunities for innovation. With the focus of the government on promoting the digital economy, the country stands at the front of this digital transformation and these interconnected technologies are laying the foundation for a smarter, more efficient, and connected India.

  • In a recent panel discussion on the topic " Harnessing the Power of Interconnected Technologies for Growth Moderater" included Himanshu Gupta, Country Manager, Telecom, Media and Entertainment, HPE India. Amit Sinha Roy, VP Global Head, Strategic Alliances, Startup Communications. Anand Bhandari, Vertical Head, Internet of Things, Reliance Jio. Shankar Srinivasan, Lead IoT and Enterprise 5G Solutions, APJC Regions, Cisco. Vikas Shohin, Business Head, Northern and West of India, Mark Etel. Sunil David, Digital Technology Consultant and former Regional Director, IOD, AT&T as panelists and the session was moderated by Anil Chopra, Vice President, Research and Consulting, CyberMedia Research.

    The panel discussed the  rapid evolution of technology is creating unprecedented opportunities across industries. With a 40% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) and a 10% increase in the Internet of Things (IoT) penetration, the future looks promising. By 2029, 65% of services will be driven by 5G, fundamentally reshaping industries from telecommunications to manufacturing. But while 5G offers vast potential, its integration with technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and IoT raises critical considerations around implementation, challenges, and impact on industries.

    The Power of Converging Technologies: AI, IoT, and 5G

    One of the most important points discussed was transformative combinations for future business ecosystems is the merging of AI and IoT. This fusion, often referred to as AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things), is expected to drive exceptional growth in Business-to-Business (B2B) applications. The integration of these technologies, powered by the 5G ecosystem, enables faster, more reliable data processing and enhances the overall user experience.

    A key example of this transformation is the application of IoT in retail. Businesses can now track a consumer’s journey from online browsing to in-store purchasing in real-time. This data allows companies to personalize customer experiences with unprecedented precision, leading to more effective marketing and higher customer satisfaction. With the speed and reliability of 5G, this is no longer just a future concept; it is rapidly becoming a reality.

    5G and the Automotive Industry: Transforming Vehicles and Manufacturing

    Another topic highlighted was one of the industries already benefiting from 5G is the automotive sector. While autonomous driving often grabs headlines, there are numerous other use cases for 5G in the automotive industry. Electric vehicles (EVs) now receive software updates over-the-air (OTA), similar to how smartphones update. These updates can improve vehicle functionality, reduce costs, and enhance the user experience.

    5G also plays a crucial role in ensuring that these OTA updates are successful. Automotive companies are deploying systems that can identify the best time and place to push updates based on network coverage and vehicle location. This minimizes failures and reduces the costs associated with data transfers, further improving the customer experience and reducing operational inefficiencies.

    Manufacturing: The Rise of Smart Factories with 5G

    The Panel also talked about manufacturing, 5G is enabling the rise of "smart factories." An example of this is Sundaram Clayton Limited, an automotive component manufacturer in India. The company set up a private 5G network to connect all its machines, enabling real-time monitoring and data analysis. The use of 5G-enabled high-resolution cameras for safety and surveillance, along with autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), has improved both safety and operational efficiency.

    One of the key advantages of 5G in these environments is low latency and high-speed connectivity, which is critical for real-time applications. In manufacturing, even a small improvement in efficiency can result in significant cost savings. 5G’s ability to connect multiple devices and process data instantly allows companies to optimize production processes, reduce downtime, and increase overall productivity.

    Edge Computing and Generative AI: A New Era of Real-Time Insights

    Edge computing, combined with AI, is another area that was extensively talked about highlighting how 5G is making a significant impact. By processing data at the edge of the network, rather than sending it to a centralized data center, companies can reduce latency and gain real-time insights. This is particularly important in industries such as manufacturing, where real-time decision-making can improve efficiency and reduce costs.

    For example, AI-powered predictive models can forecast equipment failures or production bottlenecks, allowing companies to proactively address issues before they result in costly downtime. This is already happening in automotive manufacturing, where high-resolution cameras powered by 5G are used for quality control. These systems can detect defects in real-time, ensuring that only the highest-quality products reach the market.

    Overcoming Challenges: Security and Privacy in a Hyperconnected World

    While 5G, AI, and IoT offer numerous benefits, they also present challenges, particularly around security and privacy. As industries become more reliant on interconnected devices and networks, ensuring that data is secure becomes critical. The massive amounts of data generated by AI and IoT systems require robust security measures to protect sensitive information from breaches.

    Network segmentation and lifecycle management are essential for minimizing security risks. By isolating different parts of the network, companies can contain potential security threats and ensure that breaches are localized, reducing the overall impact. Additionally, regular security updates and posture management systems are crucial to maintaining the integrity of the network.

    Conclusion: A New Era of Business Innovation

    The panel discussion came to an end with the convergence of 5G, AI, and IoT is paving the way for a new era of business innovation. Industries such as telecommunications, automotive, and manufacturing are already seeing the benefits of these technologies, from improved operational efficiency to enhanced customer experiences. However, with these opportunities come challenges, particularly around security and implementation.

    As businesses continue to embrace these technologies, they must carefully plan their strategies to maximize the benefits while mitigating risks. By doing so, they can unlock new growth opportunities and stay ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape. The future is undoubtedly digital, and the integration of 5G, AI, and IoT will be at the heart of this transformation.

    Panelists not only also addressed the challenges of integrating these technologies and offered strategies for overcoming them to unlock their full potential, they also explored how these interconnected technologies are shaping the future of business operations, customer experiences, and market competitiveness. The discussion focused on how enterprises can leverage the synergy of these innovations to optimise processes, enhance decision-making, and drive efficiency.

