
HR OUTSOURCING: Servicing the Boardroom

Voice&Data Bureau
New Update

For global corporations, outsourcing of non-core functions has become not
just a smart business move, but a critical strategy for maintaining a
competitive edge and increasing market share and shareholder value. Corporate
leaders know they need to understand what outsourcing means and stay current
with leading-edge practices.


While HR outsourcing in its earliest applications, such as payroll, has been
among accepted best business practices for decades, it is only in the last few
years that the business necessity to shed entire non-core functions–such as
human resources, finance and accounting, or procurement–has moved to the
forefront of C-level and boardroom strategy deliberations.

HR outsourcing began to include more functions, leading providers moved to the
next level, called ‘process integration,’ by linking more and more of the
many discreet HR sub-processes in ways that provide better control and cost

The increasing capacity to integrate processes is now giving rise to an even
more strategic, ‘third level’ of sophistication, where leading outsourcing
systems not only integrate the mechanical, data-heavy parts of HR functions, but
also become service integrators–where the outsourcer joins together the over
20 sub-processes found in large company HR departments and links them both with
the work done internally and with work done by third parties.


Service integration thus enables the linking of processes and the underlying
data from those processes, resulting in a more dynamic command of comprehensive
HR information. This new capability can greatly enhance strategic decision
making, especially in the area of workforce planning.

The Present State: More Effective Integration

Current HR offerings by outsourcing companies are becoming standardized and
increasingly effective, and are characterized by:

n An increasingly integrated,
single-entry network of information for the client’s use in managing HR
functions and programs.


n A transparent process that
allows both HR system managers and employee-users facile access to required
information, usually e-enabled.

n Processes that are linked
across the HR program spectrum, creating the ability to use an ‘event-based’
approach, where all relevant HR responses are provided to the employee in a
comprehensive and user-friendly manner.

n An integrated method of service
delivery for HR programs so that employees will see all HR-related responses to
a work/life event occur within appropriate times.


n A ‘single platform’ concept
of integrated technologies, resulting in end-to-end administration and
processing of data from a variety of sources.

n Thorough integration of the
suppliers of goods and services into the company’s delivery system, including
the ability to substitute vendors in and out of the system without compromising

The results of such integrative actions increase the standardization of HR
sub-processes throughout a corporation, and aid managers in identifying areas
needing improvement.


The Next Level: Service Integration

To move to the next level, that of ‘service integrator,’ HR outsourcing
providers working with global companies will need to evolve to the point of
taking responsibility for all third-party providers in such a way as to deliver
better service to client firms and their employees. This will often involve
outsourcing firms working with a small number of allied partners under their
direction. As process integration evolves, client firms will enjoy increased
benefits of scale, see further cost reduction, and be moving towards global best

At the same time, employees will have access to increasingly high-quality HR
services that allow them the greatest freedom to manage their own particular
needs and requirements.

Thus, as a corporate HR system grows towards true service integration levels,
the determining factors of future value in outsourcing will be significant
changes in infrastructure, e-enablement and scale.


If the present state of the HR outsourcing experience in major companies is
examined closely, what emerges is a plethora of disparate, though functional,
activities that require amalgamation and integration to achieve the next levels
of efficiency and savings.

As an example, most large companies use hundreds of vendors and suppliers who
provide goods and services to the companies and their employees via the HR
department. To be able to rationalize and reduce that number is a prime goal of
leading HR outsourcing firms, and is a task requiring determined and intricate
effort. This effort is often not something even the largest corporations are
prepared to do.

The key benefit, however, in reducing vendor numbers is to acquire additional
purchasing leverage and efficiency via larger scale; to improve and streamline
service to the client firm and its employees; and to have greater control over
the quality of services provided to employees.


The Future: HR Operates at the Strategy Level

Several firms in the HR outsourcing industry are now able to provide service
offerings that manage increasingly larger numbers of processes and sub-processes
within global corporations with increasing speed, accuracy, and cost reduction.
However, new vistas of need are emerging. Corporations are looking beyond the
now-traditional ‘process management’ service offerings and are seeking
answers to larger, strategic-level questions–in particular, how to manage
human capital in light of the need for flexibility, accuracy, and

With the ever-increasing speed of business activity and market changes
throughout the world, a company’s ability to adjust continually its staff
functions in the light of business exigencies is a primary focus, and, not
incidentally, is redefining the human resources function.

Thus, larger companies are looking for HR outsourcing offerings that combine
proven expertise in process and systems with the ability to serve as service
integrators, linking process management with strategic human capital decision
making needs.

In doing so, global corporations are discovering both the desire and the need
to outsource their entire HR function. The companies they turn to in order to do
so will be those that are creating the service-integrating strategies of the
future, and who also understand the role of human resources as it is changing
and taking a new place at the center of corporate management.

Extracted from an Exult white paper
