
Sky Guardians: How AI Drones Ensured Safety at Jagannath Rath Yatra

AI in Jagannath Yatra: Enhancing safety with AI-powered drones and surveillance, Odisha Police and IG Drones ensure a secure, seamless pilgrimage experience for all.

Punam Singh
New Update
AI in jagannath rath yatra

Bodhisattwa Sanghapriya, Founder & CEO, of IG Drones, and Dayal Gangwar, IPS, ADG Odisha Police

In a remarkable fusion of tradition and technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has now become an integral part of the Jagannath Rath Yatra, a revered pilgrimage attracting millions of devotees. After revolutionizing our daily lives, AI is set to enhance public safety and crowd management during this grand event.


The collaboration between Odisha Police and IG Drones introduces AI-powered drones and advanced surveillance systems to ensure a seamless and secure experience for all pilgrims. With innovations ranging from real-time congestion detection to predictive traffic management, this initiative marks a significant leap in leveraging AI for public safety during one of India's most iconic festivals.

In an exclusive interview with Bodhisattwa Sanghapriya, Founder & CEO, of IG Drones, and Dayal Gangwar, IPS, ADG Odisha Police, Voice&data got a glimpse of the security measures and arrangement made at the Jagannath Rath Yatra.

Speaking on the arrangements, Shri Dayal Gangwar, IPS, ADG Odisha Police


He stated, “We are proud to announce this groundbreaking implementation of AI-powered technology for the auspicious Jagannath Rath Yatra. This marks a historic first in our unwavering commitment to public safety and efficient traffic management. Cutting-edge solutions like real-time congestion detection, vehicle counting, and drone surveillance will be seamlessly integrated with our CCTV network, providing invaluable insights for smoother traffic flow and crowd control. To ensure comprehensive coverage, a city-wide network of CCTV cameras will be strategically placed, complemented by drones for comprehensive surveillance. For the first time ever, devotees can stay informed with our innovative WhatsApp ChatBot, providing real-time traffic updates for effortless navigation. A meticulously crafted mobility plan, including dedicated high-capacity parking zones, will ensure seamless crowd management during peak phases of the Yatra. This robust system will not only enhance public safety but also enable swifter response times in the event of an incident”.

AI technology will support real-time parking space information and route planning, enabling drivers to quickly find parking and navigate the city efficiently. A dedicated team of experts will monitor drone operations throughout the event, ensuring safe and effective management and coordinating emergency responses in real-time to incidents that may arise.

Elaborate on the collaboration between Odisha Police and IG Drones. What are the key technological contributions from IG Drones?


Bodhisattwa: The collaboration between Odisha Police and IG Drones represents a significant step forward in leveraging advanced technology for public safety. IG Drones, a leading Drone Technology and AI Company  backed by StartUp Odisha, has provided state-of-the-art Jaga drones equipped with high-resolution cameras, advanced sensors, and public announcement systems. These drones will be crucial in real-time announcements, crowd management, and ensuring public safety during the Rath Yatra. Additionally, the drones are part of a comprehensive surveillance network that includes fifty-five CCTV cameras, offering robust coverage and enhancing incident response times with the power of AI.

How is AI being utilized in the drones and surveillance systems for real-time traffic and crowd management during the Rath Yatra?

Bodhisattwa: For Rath Yatra, AI has been integrated into drones and surveillance systems to provide advanced capabilities such as predictive congestion detection, vehicle counting, and real-time updates. This technology is enabling drones to analyze live video feeds and traffic data, helping in the rapid identification of congestion points and the dynamic management of traffic flow. The AI-powered systems are linked with the Traffic Command and Control Room, allowing for real-time dissemination of traffic conditions to devotees and ensuring efficient crowd control.


What specific advantages do AI-powered drones offer over public safety and crowd control compared to previous years?

Bodhisattwa: AI-powered drones offer several advantages over traditional methods of public safety and crowd control. Firstly, they provide real-time, high-resolution surveillance, allowing for immediate identification and response to incidents. The integration of AI enables advanced data analysis, such as vehicle counting and congestion detection, which facilitates proactive traffic management. These drones can cover areas that are difficult to monitor with stationary cameras, ensuring comprehensive surveillance and improved incident response times. Additionally, the public announcement systems on drones enhance communication with the public, improving overall safety and coordination during the Rath Yatra.

What were the major challenges faced in implementing this AI-powered technology, and how were they addressed?


Bodhisattwa: The major challenges in implementing AI-powered technology included ensuring seamless integration with existing infrastructure, managing the large volume of data generated, and training personnel to operate the new systems effectively in a short period of time. These challenges were addressed through extensive planning and collaboration between Odisha Police, IG Drones, and technology experts and the extensive experience by the company. Comprehensive training programs were conducted for personnel to familiarize them with the new systems. Additionally, robust data management protocols were established to handle the influx of information, ensuring efficient processing and analysis.

With the extensive use of AI and surveillance technology, what measures are in place to ensure data privacy and security for the public?

Bodhisattwa: To ensure data privacy and security, strict protocols have been implemented. All data collected by drones and surveillance systems are encrypted and stored securely. Access to this data is restricted to authorized personnel only, and regular audits are conducted to maintain compliance with data protection regulations. The Odisha Police and IG Drones have also put in place measures to anonymize data wherever possible, ensuring that individual privacy is safeguarded.


Can you explain the use of augmented animated videos for traffic route guidance?

Bodhisattwa: Augmented animated videos will be used to provide clear and dynamic traffic route guidance to the public. These videos, displayed on LED vans and digital displays throughout the city, will illustrate the best routes to navigate during the Rath Yatra, helping to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow. The animations will be updated in real-time based on data from the Traffic Command and Control Center, ensuring that the public receives the most current and accurate information.
