
Digital natives lead India’s cloud adoption, prioritise security

Cloud adoption and optimisation in India are accelerating, driven by AI-powered solutions, multi-cloud strategies, and a heightened focus on security and operational efficiency.

Shubhendu Parth
New Update
Cloud adoption in India

As businesses accelerate cloud adoption, the complexities and challenges associated with cloud infrastructure have come to the forefront, particularly in India. A new report, Asia’s Digital Native Businesses Prioritise Security for Sustainable Growth, highlights that while cloud technologies are driving growth and innovation, businesses are also struggling to navigate a complex web of security and optimisation challenges.


Cloud adoption in India has surged, with Digital Native Businesses (DNBs) embracing cloud-native architectures to stay competitive. The Akamai study also indicates that India is leading in integrating Artificial Intelligence within cloud infrastructure, with 98% of DNBs in India already adopting or exploring cloud solutions. This trend aligns with global adoption as organisations seek scalable, flexible, and cost-effective solutions for their digital operations.

The report defines DNBs by their aggressive technology adoption. These businesses move at the speed of tech to meet customer demands for work, life, and entertainment online. The study reveals that 9 in 10 DNBs prioritise efficiency and productivity over the next 12 months and plan to invest in cloud computing and Application Program Interface (API)-enabled microservices.

According to IDC, DNBs are expected to spend up to USD 128.9 billion on technology by 2026, with the highest growth rate in cloud-based technologies at 37.3%.


Cloud adoption and optimisation

One of the major factors driving cloud adoption is the need for greater operational efficiency and business agility. Cloud computing allows businesses to scale infrastructure on demand, streamline workflows, and reduce time to market for new products and services. API-enabled microservices, which allow independent communication between components, are critical to this transformation, optimising performance while maintaining flexibility.

However, with increased cloud adoption comes greater complexity. Cloud optimisation has become crucial, especially in managing multi-cloud environments. To avoid vendor lock-in and ensure resilience, businesses are shifting towards multi-cloud strategies. This offers flexibility but presents challenges in managing costs and maximising service usage. Optimising cloud performance while keeping operations cost-effective is now a key priority.


Security takes centre stage

While cloud infrastructure offers operational improvements, security remains a top concern. The report shows that 75% of businesses view security as the most significant gap in cloud infrastructure performance, with cyberthreats becoming increasingly sophisticated. The complexity of cloud environments, particularly for DNBs relying on API-based infrastructures, has heightened vulnerabilities. Nearly nine in ten companies now prioritise API security when choosing cloud providers, underscoring the need for robust security measures.

In India, security is even more emphasised. As the country’s DNBs adopt cloud infrastructure, 87% state that security outweighs performance, reputation, scalability, and cost when selecting a cloud provider. This is especially critical in industries like technology, media, and commerce, where phishing, ransomware, and account compromises are growing threats.


To tackle these concerns, businesses are investing in advanced security tools like API security audits and visibility into API activity. Cloud providers are being assessed based on their ability to offer comprehensive security solutions, particularly those designed to counter evolving threats. In industries where speed to market often outpaces security preparedness, this is essential to mitigating risks.

India’s cloud leadership

India’s focus on growth and innovation places it at the forefront of cloud adoption compared to other Asia-Pacific countries. While nations like Australia and New Zealand view the cloud as an essential business component, DNBs in India are driving cloud integration through AI-powered solutions focusing on security. However, like their global counterparts, companies in India must also navigate multi-cloud complexities and ensure cost-effective, secure operations as they scale up.


The path to cloud adoption is clear: businesses must balance the opportunities offered by cloud technology with the complexities of security and optimisation. With global cloud adoption on the rise, India’s proactive stance on security and cloud optimisation is setting a benchmark for sustainable growth.
