NEW DELHI: The MyGov toll free number 1800117800 has been activated for the Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Mann ki Baat scheduled for 31st January 2016.
These phone lines for receiving ideas and suggestions from people for this month’s Modi’s Mann ki Baat radio broadcast shall be open till 6 P.M. on 28th January 2016.
"MyGov introduced the toll free number facility from September 2015 to further broad-base the opportunity for citizens from non-internet enabled areas to submit their ideas and suggestions for the PM’s monthly Mann ki Baat radio broadcast," said Ministry of Communications & Information Technology.
In the 15 episodes of Mann ki Baat broadcast so far, more than 61,000 ideas have been received on the website and 1.43 lakh audio calls were also received.
Each month, some selected calls become a part of the broadcast. The caller’s ideas and suggestions are heard by the country-wide Mann ki Baat audience in the caller’s voice. So far nine such calls have been selected for broadcast.
"Some of the selected calls include Bhargavi Kanade's suggestion to the youth to register themselves as voters and Pawan Acharya's suggestion to promote use of earthen pots during Diwali were selected for broadcast in September 2015," said Ministry of Communications & Information Technology.
Savitha Rao's suggestion to clean our surroundings after Diwali festivities was included in the broadcast in October while Dilip Chauhan's inspiring story about spreading awareness during the Accessible India campaign was included in the December broadcast.
The permanent toll free number 1800117800 of MyGov has now been institutionalized for giving an opportunity to citizens to give their ideas and suggestions for the Prime Minister's monthly Mann ki Baat radio broadcast.Citizens are invited to submit their ideas and suggestions on issues of national development and as in previous episodes, some of the messages may become part of the broadcast.