
TRAI Recommends Setting of Internet Exchange of India

Voice&Data Bureau
New Update

TRAI has come up with report on the Internet which tries to address the issue of slow growth of Internet in the country. It has suggested the establishment of Internet Exchange Points for peering within the country for better utilization of International bandwidth, better service quality and as an incentive to host Indian content in India. The task force comprised of experts from Experts from MOC&IT, IIT, IIM, C-DOT, TEC and ISPAI were invited to contribute their views. Internet Exchange Points (IXP) in the country to be named as National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI), according to



Report also pinpoints the action points by various agencies like Govt., Regulator, BSOs and ISPs for immediate necessary action on their parts. It is believed by task force members that such actions will certainly lead to much needed growth of Internet services in the country. 

The Recommendations 

  • Need for setting up of Internet Exchange in India for routing the domestic traffic within the country. 
  • Enabling the availability of cheaper access devices and low cost indigenous PCs as well as the Internet enabled second hand PCs. 
  • Policy initiatives like treating ISP services at par with telecom infrastructure, reduction of dialup access tariffs, permitting co-location, bringing down capital and operation costs of ISPs to encourage the Industry as well as to benefit the users. 
  • Need for de-licensing of 2.4 GHz (ISM Band) for low power outdoor usage for last mile Internet 
  • Access as well as permitting the use of Receive Only Satellite access by ISP's without need for SACFA clearance and licensing. 
  • Usage of alternative access technologies like Cable TV network and W-LANs as well as the simultaneous provision of Internet access along with voice in the local loop. 
  • Facilitation of direct access by ISPs to the bottleneck facilities required for access to International Submarine Cables landed in the country. 
  • Need for implementation of e-governance and provision of citizen services through Internet to encourage its wider usage. 
  • Importance of local content development.